Baby Skye


One of the things that I have come to realize is that you have to be an extremely patient person if you’re wanting to specialize in anything remotely related to children. Specifically for me, that goes for teaching and photography. Luckily, I am just that! Now, maybe if I actually had kids of my own I’d be lacking a little bit in that department. It doesn’t bother me to wait or give a child some down time because I know at the end of the day, I’ll go home (kid free) with some beeeautiful images. That is exactly what happened at 8 month old Skye’s shoot.

In the beginning, she gave us a tough time. She cried every single time her mom put her down. She’s definitely a momma’s girl, which is ok, but I wanted some shots of her by herself. We ended up taking her to my house so that she could cool down. All those cool ideas I had for the first location were a no go for Skye. We kept calling her a little diva because we were outside fanning her, trying to feed her, running her into the house after a few shots and then back out. She required the royal treatment! LOL! I was more than determined to make it through this shoot because Skye missed out on newborn pictures due to medical issues. She’s not just any ol’ fighter, but she’s a pretty little chunky fighter and THAT had to be captured!

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