MJ & Roman Fall 2012 Pics


When it’s all said and done I’ll have beautiful canvases set up in my home of these beauties, and it can never be said that MY god kids don’t have more than enough great quality pictures from their childhood. You shouldn’t get in the habit of taking pictures strictly to post on social networks. I made the mistake of posting pics from MJ’s younger days on my myspace and never printing or backing them up. They’re GONE :(. I’ve also lost memory cards…and left social networks forgetting to grab pics. Sometimes even when you do take pics from these sites the quality of the pics are shattered because they’re lower resolution. People, take your kids to get pics or find a photographer…print & back up your images. If you’re working with me you should order prints, and I always always put your edited images on a disc or flash drive! 😉 Now I print, back up on external hard drive & an online external drive (in case of loss, fire, or theft). I am completely covered!

I guess I can spare you the long drawn out post where I gush about how much I love these three and how my life is so much better because of them. I don’t really need to tell you that no matter how tired I am because of other sessions or school…that I ALWAYS make time to pull my camera out and chase these kids around. I knoooow I don’t have to tell you that I get super excited and more often than not emotional by the time I’m done editing because the kids are growing up way too fast. Yeah, I am pretty sure you know them well by now and how much they mean to me so I’ll just let you see the pics from their latest (fall 2012) pics.

  1. Doris Harris says:

    your pictures are beautiful, was surprized when I saw a new addition! CONGRATS love always Mama D. SMILES

  2. Elena says:

    Ah I love all these pics. Like the one of your mom with the boys. Miss you guys a ton! Wish we could all hang out and let our kids be silly together.

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